English Bull Dogs

English Bull Dogs

Summary: With their sweet temper and cute appearance, the English bull dogs are totally different from all bull dogs breeds.

Article: English bull dogs have many significant characteristics which distinguish them from all dog breeds. The beautiful and compact body dog, English bull dog today recognized as a family companion, sweet tempered and a show dog.

English Bull Dogs

Having a sluggish nature, the English bull dogs are also known as Couch Potatoes. English bull dog has a strong muscular body with a wrinkled face and a unique black nose. The English bull dogs has short, flat and sleek coat. Colors are red, fawn, white, brindle and pie bald. Average weight of English bull dogs is 55-60 pounds.

The temperaments of English bull dogs are usually passive and tractable. They are not very active, alert and intelligent dogs. This lethargic dog breeds also don’t need much physical exercises and training so they are well-suited for living in small space or apartments. 

Despite of their laziness, English bull dogs are loyal, kind, resolute, courageous and sometimes cheeky if not trained in a good family environment.in short, this sweet tempered dog widely known for his good temperament. They are not good with other dogs but become friendly, cuddling and patient nature. English bull dogs are from breeds of dependable dogs. They are usually people friendly dogs and seek out human attention and affection at every time.

Exercises and training for English bull dogs: The English bull dogs need daily walk to fulfill their natural instinct to migrate. If you don’t take your English bull dogs on daily walk, then they might become aggressive and prone to behavior issues. By getting proper and adequate physical exercises, these sluggish English bull dogs become bit active and alert as a good family pet.

Living conditions for English bull dogs: English bull dog is an indoor breed. They will be okay without a yard. They also have problems with hot temperature so keep them in cool indoor temperature.

Grooming of English bull dogs: English bull dogs have short fine hair coat so grooming is not a difficult task for their owners. Their wrinkle full face becomes dirty so clean it with damp cloth on daily basis.

Shedding: English bull dog is an average shedder breed.

Health issues of English bull dogs: Breathing problems, poor eye sight, heat stroke in warm weather, birth defect, skin infections, hip and knee problems and might prone to flatulence if fed any other type of food other than their regular food.

Life Expectancy: Life expectancy of English bull dogs are approximately 8 years.
Why they known as bull?

It is a frequently asked question from many of our readers. Although they are not bull dogs, so why called bull dogs? The fact is that English bull dogs were descended from a Mastiff-type bull dogs, known as Mollossus that were used to guard. But today, these English bull dogs have a very different temperament from their ancestors and widely known as sweet tempered and gentle bull dogs.