You Might Have a Pit Clown If …

Take our handy test to see if your dog is a genuine, certifiable clown.

By Micaela Myers (Reprinted from

Pit bulls and bully breeds in general are often known as the clowns of the canine world. Here’s a checklist to see if you have a purebred Pit Clown.

Check all that apply:

You know what the word “zoomies” means and have seen them in action.

Your pit bull spends at least 25 percent of his time belly up.

He or she snores louder than grandpa, grandma and Santa Claus combined.

Your beloved dog has decided that indeed he deserves the same comforts in life as you, including a recliner and your bed.

You had no idea a dog had so many butt muscles until you came home to your new pit bull for the first time and saw a full on, wiggly butt happy dance.

Your dog knows how to smile, complete with upturned lips, and you have at least one picture to prove it.

Your pit bull likes to sit on strange things, in strange ways or contort himself into funny ragdoll positions.

He or she makes you laugh at least once a day no matter how rotten you are feeling.

If you checked at least five boxes, you indeed have a genuine Pit Clown. Now go get a big slobbery kiss for being such a smart human.