StubbyDog Superhero Squad

Introducing the StubbyDog Superhero Squad!
Making the world a better place

You’ve heard of Superman.
You’ve heard of Captain America.
You might have even heard of Underdog.

Never before have you seen the amazing, the tail-wagging wonder of the greatest group of caped crusaders ever to be assembled … the StubbyDog Superhero Squad!

This extraordinary crew of certified therapy dogs are on a mission to win hearts and change minds.

These superheroes are determined to help make the world a better place for people and dogs. Whether they are out fighting discrimination, educating on responsible dog guardianship, assisting their canine friends to find forever homes, or just clowning around with a big goofy smile on their face…they will help change public perceptions!

These otherwise ordinary dogs have taken on the bold responsibility of donning the StubbyDog cape and dedicating themselves to helping both humans and fellow dogs.

BOOM, POW, WOW! Check out the Squad’s Action-Packed Superhero Duties:

Therapy. Squad members will perform their work as therapy dogs by visiting hospitals, schools, assisted living facilities and anywhere else in need of smiles. They’ll be equipped with a special StubbyDog Superhero ‘Power Packet’ to share.

Events. Want to get up close and personal with a superhero? These events will give fans that chance! It’s a fact: nothing beats a positive, real-life experience to win someone’s heart. Whether through leading surprise events (doggy flash mob), attending events (puppy prom), or helping local rescues (adoption fiestas, spay/neuter hoedowns), this super squad is always ready to help the cause.

Media. Ah the paparazzi! Our superheroes love working and playing with the media. Not only are these caped crusaders buzz worthy, but they’re also equipped with a super-powered PR plan to ensure the world knows all about their amazing feats (as well as those of the millions of everyday ‘superhero’ family dogs across the land). By leveraging current events, hot topics and even celebrity news, these superheroes will make sure to remain center stage.

Personalities. Squad members will feature their adventures in a webisode series. Just like Petey from “The Little Rascals,” Victor the RCA dog, and Buster Brown’s dog Tige captured the hearts and minds of people across the social strata, our Superheroes will be poised to emerge as the next canine “household names.” Cartoons, merchandise, fan clubs and much more … watch out Kardashians.

A Community of Superpower!

Although our elite squad of Superheroes is set to do amazing things, here at StubbyDog we believe every dog, regardless of shape, size, color, or origin can be a superhero. That’s why the StubbyDog Superhero Program has three levels of participation, all playing an equally important role.

The Superhero Squad will be joined by the council of:

Superheroes in Training: These are dogs that meet all the criteria for the elite squad, but either do no have their therapy dog registration yet OR they need a bit more experience and training before they are ready to be full-time superheroes. This program will work to support and prepare dog and human teams for the therapy test (if needed), and help improve their advocacy skills and effectiveness.

Super-bassadors: These aren’t your everyday advocates. These animals and humans are a group of super-passionate, super-motivated and super-dedicated ambassadors. They’re ready and excited to be extremely active and effective in their advocacy and will be able to work closely with StubbyDog on improving their super advocacy skills and power. The most exciting part? This group is open to animals of every species (even humans!), breed, type, nationality, religion and culture.

Superhero, Superhero in Training or Super-bassador: each role plays an extremely important part in the StubbyDog super community.

Together this “super” community is on a mission, specifically to:

Place 5,000 dogs in need of good homes
Reach 25,000 different media outlets
Educate 100,000 on responsible dog guardianship
Inspire 1,000,000 “rediscoveries”

… and motivate an infinite number of smiles!

Our goal is simple: for people to no longer view pit bulls as a special category of dog – but, instead, as individual dogs.

Ready to become a superhero? Apply today!!

Download the StubbyDog Superhero Squad Application

Need something to help you pass the time while you anxiously wait to see who your 2012 StubbyDog Superheroes are going to be????

Head on over to Crowdrise and start helping us fund this exciting new program

For questions or more information contact Laura Petrolino at
(photos by Melissa Lipani)

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